Entertainment tells the story of how one Daddy's Najayaz Aulad (illegitimate child), abbreviated in the film as DNA, stumbles upon the fact that he is actually a poor Mumbai boy born to a billionaire from Bangkok. His father, Pannalal Johri (Dalip Tahil in a garlanded photo-frame on the wall), has bequeathed his wealth to his pet dog Entertainment (Junior), because he could not in his life-time locate his real son, Akhil Lokhande (Akshay Kumar).
After a romantic interlude with his girlfriend Saakshi (Tamannaah) in Mumbai, Akhil flies to Bangkok. His best friend Jugnu (Krushna, good comic-tuning) and he make grand plans to get rid of the dog, who stands between him and his billions.
But the canine is nobody's fool. Man and beast find ways to outsmart each other and when they can't kill each other, they join forces. Here, a fresh set of villains, Prakash Raj and Sonu Sood, named Karan-Arjun (there are many stereotypes), are introduced. They, too, are eyeing the same pile of wealth. So now, Akhil and Entertainment have to get the better of the baddies